Child Custody Lawyers – Protecting The Rights Of A Child

Phoenix Child Custody

Child custody is one of the most complicated matters in divorce. It requires legal experts to ensure that the rights of children are protected. A Phoenix child custody lawyer can provide the necessary help to parents in any custody dispute. They can also guide parents on how to raise their children properly. To contact one, visit for details.

When a family is involved in a divorce, it is vital that the two parties work together to support the child. If the relationship between parents is strained, it can lead to an unhappy home situation for the child. There are a number of ways to address the issue, from drafting a parenting plan to filing for temporary orders. In Arizona, a court will try to make sure that both parents have meaningful time with their children.

The court will consider the child’s wishes when making a decision, and also consider how well each parent can comply with an arrangement. In some cases, a judge may remove a custodial parent if the other is a threat to the child. These circumstances are outliers, though, and can involve mental health issues or substance abuse.

If you are considering a divorce, it is important that you understand the process and make decisions regarding your child’s custody and child support. Even if you have a joint custody agreement, a divorce can have a negative impact on the quality of life of your child. An experienced child custody attorney in Phoenix can help you negotiate with your partner and obtain the best possible outcome.

Getting a fair custody order can be tricky, as the Arizona child custody laws are highly complex. Using an experienced family law attorney can make the process less stressful and allow you to change custody arrangements with the courts’ approval. Whether you need to get a temporary order or modify your current custody order, hiring a Phoenix child custody lawyer can be the most important step you take.

Family lawyers in Phoenix will work hard to secure your rights in any child custody dispute. They will keep you informed and set your case for a resolution management conference. During this conference, the custody attorneys will discuss the case with the other party and their lawyers to determine the best path forward. Once the attorney has determined the direction of the case, he or she will draft documents that apply to the specific situation.

Often, parents will request a temporary order during the divorce. These orders will specify where the child will live, who will make decisions, and who will take care of the child. Temporary orders are not legally binding, but they are designed to minimize disruption to the children’s lives. They typically last two months and can take a few months to process.

When a parent refuses to follow an order, the wronged parent may file court papers requesting that the other parent be enforcing the custody order. This is a great way to get the justice you deserve, and to help your child live a better life.